
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Todays topic is going to be Loki and Food! The two go hand in hand....From recent posts you can see Loki has some good days and some bad days. If I didn't control the little bugger, he'd be having bad days everyday. If you know the Sphynx, you know they love to eat! Loki on the other hand loves to eat but eating doesn't agree with him all the time. But good knews (we're crossing our fingers), we think we've found a high protein diet that is actually agreeing with him. I'll post updates in a few weeks on that topic. Anyhow, enjoy the photo's and video's in regards to this post! ( I snuck one more video in this blog just to show I played with him to make him feel better and get his mind off the steak!)

1 comment:

  1. It is so cool to see his curiosity! This breed seems to be much more "nosy" that other breeds!

    I am so glad you are sharing "Life with Loki" with us!

    I am just loving this blog!

    xo Les
